Health Suite » Health Suite

Health Suite

Click the link above to learn the requirements from the state


Dental Services: The Mobile Dentist will be here in February for those students who will need a dental exam. More information to follow.

REMINDER: All students in Kindergarten, Third, and Seventh grades must have a completed Dental Exam. CLICK HERE FOR THE DENTAL FORM.
All students in Kindergarten, and Sixth grades must have a completed Physical exam. 

All students entering 7th grade are required to have additional immunizations. They must have a Tdap(Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis booster) and a MCV(Meningitis) immunization prior to the FIRST day of school or they will not be admitted to school.  

The Caremobile offers FREE exams and FREE immunizations!!

FLU SEASON:  It is that time of year again! Please use the following guidelines when your child is feeling ill.

  • If your child is vomitting or has the diarrhea, please keep them home until they are symptom-free.

  • If they are experiencing a large amount of mucous drainage from their nose or coughing it up, keep them home.

  • If they have a temperature of 100 degrees or greater, keep them home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medication.

  • Please remind your child to wash their hands frequently and to avoid touching their "T" zone, their eyes, nose and mouth and to cough into their sleeves.